Remote Control Dice Tactics For Guaranteed Wins

Remote control dice may be loaded unequally to promote certain outcomes. For example one of the bottoms or tops of the dice can be cut out.

This is a type of cheating that requires a certain amount of skill and practice. It can be a huge advantage for a player. It also cuts down on the exploration aspect of the game.

1. The deployment options

The first thing you should take into consideration when planning your move is the units that the enemy reserves. Based on your mission you might not have LOS for all of them. But, you must prepare yourself in case they do deploy at least one of them in their rear arc. This type of unit could be a barrier to an alpha strike in the event that it’s not located centrally.

It’s best to have your models deployed centrally, and make sure that they’re in a position to challenge the opponent. In addition to this be careful not to try to grab the initiative, unless you have to – it will not only cost you one turn, but also negate the benefit of your reserves later in the game.

The best strategy to defeat this is to deploy several high-count, power weapons, such as Hydra Flak Cannons, Vendettas, AC/HB Baal Predators, Longfangs, and Havoc Squads. They can fire in high volume at a range, and are the greatest threat to units of the enemy. This is especially relevant to shooty armies, like Dark Eldar and IG, however, even foot-sloggers that slog such as HB Havoc Squads or rifleman dreads can be a huge threat when they are in the game at the start of the game.

2. Eyeballing Distances

It’s rarely possible to beat your opponent with a punch. But, there are many times that it’s possible. If, for instance, an adversary Furioso dreadnought is spotted coming towards you out of the pod and you see it from some distance, then you ought to take it down. It’s not a safe move, but it’s input randomness that your opponent couldn’t predict (unless they were predicting a pod dropping, which would be unconstitutional in a setting of competition).

You can even do better. For instance, with our most-loved Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice, you are able to control the exact dice pips that occur with each roll. This is achieved through the inclusion of a 3-D rhombohedron inside the dice and sealed with mercury instead of iron powder, giving you total control on a single roll of the dice. It’s a great way to ensure that the odds are always in your favor!

3. Defensive Tactics

In a well-played game, players should be mindful of the movement of their stacks and try to alter it. It’s also important to take into consideration defensive tactics when considering attacking a territory. If, for instance, you have a bunch of ground units from various powers and you believe that the Allied player is going to dispatch a number of multi-power units in order to protect a territory, you might think that it’s beneficial to set up defensive profiles to ensure that your attack will not be struck as hard.

4. Fast Deployment

It takes many hours of practice before you master the control of dice. Even the most skilled controlled shooter acknowledges that their abilities can be impaired by physical conditions or fatigue.

There are easy fixes you can make to increase the odds of winning dice-based games. One solution is the most popular Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice. These dice are firmly sealed with mercury in order to replace the iron powder, and the mercury can be moved freely, allowing you to have complete control over every roll. They’re sometimes referred to as fixed dice or loaded craps.